Manejo de la enfermedad pélvica inflamatoria


  • Lino Arturo Rojas Pérez Facultad de Salud Pública, Carrera de Medicina, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Panamericana Sur Km 1.5, código postal 060106, Riobamba, Ecuador.-ProSalud Medical Center, Jacinto Gonzales 1951 y Rey Cacha, Código postal 060101, Riobamba, Ecuador
  • Blanca Herminia Cruz Basantes Facultad de Salud Pública, Carrera de Medicina, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Panamericana Sur Km 1.5, código postal 060106, Riobamba, Ecuador.-ProSalud Medical Center, Jacinto Gonzales 1951 y Rey Cacha, Código postal 060101, Riobamba, Ecuador
  • Lino Arturo Rojas Cruz Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Carrera de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Avenida Antonio José de Sucre Km 1 1/2 vía a Guano, código postal 060103, Riobamba-Ecuador-ProSalud Medical Center, Jacinto Gonzales 1951 y Rey Cacha, Código postal 060101, Riobamba, Ecuador
  • Augusto Ernesto Rojas Cruz Facultad de Salud Pública, Carrera de Promoción para la Salud, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Panamericana Sur Km 1.5, código postal 060106, Riobamba, Ecuador- - ProSalud Medical Center, Jacinto Gonzales 1951 y Rey Cacha, Código postal 060101, Riobamba, Ecuador
  • Andrés Eduardo Rojas Cruz ProSalud Medical Center, Jacinto Gonzales 1951 y Rey Cacha, Código postal 060101, Riobamba, Ecuador.
  • María Daniela Villagómez Vega ProSalud Medical Center, Jacinto Gonzales 1951 y Rey Cacha, Código postal 060101, Riobamba, Ecuador



Enfermedad pélvica inflamatoria, dolor pélvico, infertilidad


Introduction. Pelvic inflammatory disease refers to infection of the organs of the upper genital tract that involves the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and can affect other pelvic organs, it is generally polymicrobial. Objectives. Determine according to the evidence found the most appropriate management. Methodology. In the search for information, the PICO format was used as a clinical question, and information was obtained from virtual scientific libraries such as Cochrane, EBSCO, Pub Med, ACCESSSS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and UptoDate, DynaMed, as search engines scientific information on the management of pelvic inflammatory disease. Results. 35 scientific articles have been found that support the information presented and that meet the criteria proposed in the investigative process. Discussion. Pelvic inflammatory disease is a polymicrobial infection of the upper genital tract, it can cause pelvic peritonitis, infertility problems, chronic pelvic pain, among others, therefore its prevention, timely diagnosis and the best scientific treatment are essential. Conclusions. The use of protocols for the prevention, diagnosis and timely treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease reduces the probable complications that may occur.


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How to Cite

Rojas Pérez, L. A., Cruz Basantes, B. H., Rojas Cruz, L. A., Rojas Cruz, A. E., Rojas Cruz, A. E., & Villagómez Vega, M. D. (2022). Manejo de la enfermedad pélvica inflamatoria. LA CIENCIA AL SERVICIO DE LA SALUD Y NUTRICIÓN, 13(Ed.Esp.), B_56–66.



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