Stenotrophomona maltophilia and Staphylococcus sciuri as atypical agents of bacterial superinfection in a COVID-19 patient with a history of kidney transplantation


  • Fausto Vinicio Maldonado Coronel Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Facultad de Salud Pública. Panamericana Sur Km 11/2 Código postal EC060105, Riobamba-Ecuador.
  • Luis Felipe Varela Polit Medicina General, Hospital General Riobamba, Chile 3929 y Av. Unidad Nacional, Código postal EC060101, Riobamba-Ecuador.
  • Dennys Fernando Ortiz Narváez Medicina General, Hospital General Riobamba, Chile 3929 y Av. Unidad Nacional, Código postal EC060101, Riobamba-Ecuador.
  • Cinthia Katherine Galarza Galarza Medicina General, Centro de Salud tipo A Licto, Licto-Riobamba, Código postal EC060119, Riobamba-Ecuador.



COVID-19, superinfection, immunosuppression


Introduction: Those patients with history of renal transplantation infected by SARS-CoV 2, due to their state of pharmacological immunosuppression, may differ in terms of clinic, treatment and prognosis, so it is important a comprehensive and specific management. They usually need prolonged stays, present severe infections and are susceptible to bacterial superinfections that represent a severe risk for their survival and prognosis. Case presentation: 39-year-old male patient with a history of hemodialysis eight years ago and subsequent reception of a renal transplant five years ago, with confirmed SARS-CoV 2 infection who needed to be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit for ventilatory support. He presented a bacterial superinfection due to atypical nosocomial germs (Stenotrophomona maltophilia, Staphylococcus sciuri, Enterobacter cloacae) which led to a state of shock that ended in his death. In paraclinical studies he presented leukemoid reaction with neutrophilia and acute renal failure. Conclusions: Bacterial superinfection constitutes a great risk for patients with prolonged stays in hospitalization wards; therefore, its prevention is essential for a better prognosis and higher survival rate. In patients with immunosuppression it is predominant to suspect atypical germs as the cause of infectious events.


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How to Cite

Maldonado Coronel, F. V., Varela Polit, L. F., Ortiz Narváez, D. F., & Galarza Galarza, C. K. (2022). Stenotrophomona maltophilia and Staphylococcus sciuri as atypical agents of bacterial superinfection in a COVID-19 patient with a history of kidney transplantation. LA CIENCIA AL SERVICIO DE LA SALUD Y NUTRICIÓN, 13(2), A_6–12.

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