https://doi.org/10.47187/cssn.Vol15.Iss2.351Palabras clave:
Cirugía bariátrica, obesidad mórbida, pérdida de peso, comorbilidad, enfermedades metabólicas, experiencia inicialResumen
Introduction: There is a lack of publications on the first experiences with laparoscopic bariatric surgery in Ecuador. It is essential to start with quality criteria for bariatric surgery, both for surgeons and formal programmes for the institutions where it is performed. Objective: To describe the first experiences and the results in the short and medium term with the laparoscopic metabolic bariatric surgery in Ecuador. Methodology: A descriptive, observational and retrospective study was conducted on 31 patients who underwent bariatric surgery at the Private Surgimed Hospital in Baños de Agua Santa, Tungurahua, from September 2021 to May 2022. Medical records were reviewed for data extraction, and descriptive and bivariate statistical analyses were used to evaluate the results. Results: The majority of patients were female (83.9%) with a median age of 30 years. The mean preoperative weight was 95.09 kg and the median BMI was 36.67 kg/m2. Comorbidities included diabetes (16.1%), hypertension (3.2%), dyslipidaemia (77.4%) and steatosis (67.7%). Mean total weight loss at 1, 3 and 6 months was 12.53%, 22.10% and 30.02% respectively. All patients had normalised glucose levels one month after surgery. Discussion: Bariatric
procedures have been shown to be effective in reducing weight and improving co-morbidities with few complications in early experience, consistent with existing literature. Conclusions: We can conclude that by following the standardized guidelines of scientific societies for bariatric surgery, it is possible to achieve results similar to those described in international studies, even from the first experience.
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