Harmful substances in food packaging and their effect on the health of consumers
Plasticizer, neurotoxicAbstract
Introduction: The packaging industry in recent decades has generated significant development in food preservation, improving productivity and marketing; however, processed and packaged foods are the main source of migration of plasticizers and other harmful elements to food and the environment. Objective: to identify the main harmful substances in packaging, their effect on the health of consumers, and packaging alternatives that mitigate the identified risks. Methodology: Non-systematic review of scientific articles in databases such as PudMed, ScienceDirect, Elsevier, Google Scholar, with eligible studies on the subject. Results: The harmful element identified in metal containers and tetra pack is aluminum, which migrates to food according to pH and temperature, the problems are associated with neurotoxicity; With respect to plastic, additives such as BPA and phthalates are considered hormonal disruptors that easily accumulate in adipose tissues and at the hormonal level, especially in the male gonads; the most affected are neonates and children. There is evidence on manufacturing alternatives for biodegradable packaging without the use of plasticizing additives. Conclusion: Prioritize the application of environmental health programs dedicated to raising awareness of the non-use of materials that cause damage to health and the promotion of legislative regulations so that the industry produces other biodegradable, renewable materials in favor of the environment and the health of people.
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