Obtaining silver nanoparticles supported on cabuya membrane (Furcraea andina) and their antimicrobial action against Staphylococcus aureus
Silver nanoparticles, green chemistry, nanobio-composite, antibacterialAbstract
Introduction. The progress of nanotechnology in recent years includes the health sciences and the application of green chemistry. Objective. Develop a membrane of Andean Furcraea, covered with silver nanoparticles using Citrus reticulata peel as a reducing agent and analyze the antimicrobial activity on Staphylococcus aureus. Methodology. The in situ synthesis was carried out by the wet chemistry method using extracts of the common and King variety tangerine peel as reducing agent, and the concentration levels, temperature, and immersion times of the cabuya fibers were evaluated. Results. The colloids were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy providing an average wavelength range between 430 to 450 nm. The optimal concentration of precursor reagent was 0.0025 M AgNO3 and as reducing agent, 5% aqueous extract of common variety mandarin peel and 3% King variety. The characterization of the surface was carried out by means of SEM, EDX and FT-IR microscopy. Conclution. The process made it possible to obtain a material with silver nanoparticles that exhibit antimicrobial activity with moderate sensitivity against Staphylococcus aureus.
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