Design and validation of a questionnaire to study healthy habits in children and adolescents
physical activity, sedentary behaviors, healthy habits, healthy practicesAbstract
Introduction. The development of children has taken on a great interest in public health, since changes at the physical, psychological, social, and cultural levels have led to healthy practices, such as incorrect eating patterns, increased sedentary lifestyle, and alterations in sleep-wake patterns. Early detection and intervention of risky behaviors will reduce the prevalence of non-communicable diseases at an early age. Objective. The study aimed to design and validate a questionnaire to study healthy habits in school-age children. Methodology. The Delphi method was used, initially, the panel of experts was selected, then, in two rounds of voting using a Likert scale, each item was evaluated by analyzing criteria of relevance and adequacy. In addition, a statistical and qualitative analysis of the contributions of the panel of experts was obtained. To take the item as valid, it had to reach an average of 4. 0. A pilot was carried out to evaluate comprehension and time. Reliability was assessed with Cronbach’s alpha. Results. Seven experts participated in the first and second rounds. The final questionnaire had 24 questions and 6 dimensions. A Cronbach’s alpha of 0. 655. Conclusions. The results guarantee the validity and reliability of the instrument for studying healthy practices.
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