Interactive material to raise awareness of unsafe water consumption as a cause of child malnutrition


  • Juan Carlos Naranjo Herrera Carrera de Diseño Gráfico (1), Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Panamericana Sur Km ½, ECU60155, Riobamba – Ecuador.
  • Paúl Geovany Buenaño Chagñay Carrera de Diseño Gráfico (1), Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Panamericana Sur Km ½, ECU60155, Riobamba – Ecuador.
  • Iván Fabricio Benítez Obando Carrera de Diseño Gráfico (3), Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Av. Antonio José de Sucre Km 1 1/2 vía a Guano, ECU60155, Riobamba-Ecuador.



Child Malnutrition, Water Consumption, Child Health, Graphic Design, Community Awareness


This article was aimed to create interactive materials using various areas of graphic design to raise awareness about water consumption as a cause of child malnutrition at "Rita Peñafiel" Child Development Center, located in the Chambo canton. To achieve this goal, an analysis of the issue was carried out, identifying the relationship between water quality and child malnutrition as the primary cause. The study was conducted using a quantitative, analytical methodology, covering a population of 25 people, all of whom were surveyed. The results revealed that 92% of the respondents lacked information about child malnutrition related to the consumption of unsafe water, suggesting a significant deficiency in the community's awareness of this issue. The analysis also indicated a high rate of child malnutrition in the sector, highlighting the importance of implementing educational and awareness strategies to improve safe water consumption habits among children. These findings underscore the need for targeted intervention to reduce child malnutrition through education and the creation of graphic materials that promote safe water consumption.


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How to Cite

Naranjo Herrera, J. C., Buenaño Chagñay, P. G., & Benítez Obando, I. F. (2024). Interactive material to raise awareness of unsafe water consumption as a cause of child malnutrition. LA CIENCIA AL SERVICIO DE LA SALUD Y NUTRICIÓN, 15(Ed. Esp.), B_50–56.

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