Rhinoplasty: beyond aesthetics, a procedure that can improve mental health. Case report
Rhinoplasty, nose, depression, plastic surgeryAbstract
Introduction: Rhinoplasty is a procedure described since the beginning of medicine, it is currently among the five most performed cosmetic surgeries worldwide and so far it has been considered strictly as an aesthetic procedure and prohibitive by many public health services, since it does not consider the psychological component that can affect the bio-psycho-social structure of the person. Case presentation: We present a clinical case in which the nasal deformity of the patient implies an alteration in self-perception and its relationship with the socio-family environment, the pre-surgical DASS-21 Scale was applied, obtaining: depression, anxiety and severe stress, so it was decided to perform a rhinoplasty in the public health service, post-surgical controls of the DASS-21 Scale were carried out, obtaining a notable improvement in the psychological component of the patient. Conclusions: Nasal deformity together with a psychological component becomes a disease that should be treated by Public Health services.
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