Métodos diagnósticos y estrategias terapéuticas actuales para la erradicación del Helicobacter pylori


  • Rolando Teruel Ginés Departamento de Medicina Interna II. Facultad de Salud Pública. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Panamericana Sur Km 1 ½. Chimborazo. Ecuador. EC060155 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6327-2754
  • María de los Ángeles Leyva Montero Departamento de Anatomía Patológica. Facultad de Salud Pública. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Panamericana Sur Km 1 ½. Chimborazo. Ecuador. EC060155 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0553-9182
  • Fidel Enrique Infante Romero Coordinación Zonal 3 – Salud, Distrito 06D01, Centro de Salud # 1, Riobamba. Chimborazo, Ecuador https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3643-1617
  • Liliana Teruel Leyva Coordinación Zonal 3 – Salud, Distrito 06D01, Centro de Salud # 1, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6014-7157
  • Indira Samantha Vaca Lalón Coordinación Zonal 3 – Salud, Distrito 06D01, Centro de Salud # 1, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4934-3595




Helicobacter pylori, Diagnóstico/métodos, Terapéutica


Introduction: Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium related to the development of gastroduodenal diseases with a high worldwide prevalence, so timely diagnosis and effective treatment are important. Objective: Provide current and concise information to health personnel on diagnostic methods and therapeutic management of this pathology, in order to improve their medical practice. Methods: The present investigation corresponds to a bibliographic review of a narrative type, developing a bibliographic search with the words: "Helicobacter pylori, Diagnosis/methods, Therapeutics". The databases used for the search were: PubMed, Scielo, Medigraphic, Science Direct, among others. Results: 68 investigations of original articles and bibliographic reviews were identified, where 40 met the criteria to be included in the investigation. Discussion: There are invasive methods for diagnosis, highlighting histopathology and culture, while non-invasive methods include the detection of antigens in feces and the urea breath test as the most used and accessible. Within the treatment, first, second and third line schemes are described, and other alternatives to conventional treatment are currently under investigation. Conclusion: Non-invasive methods such as the urea breath test and the detection of antigen in feces have a very high sensitivity, the latter being the one that is used to a greater extent due to its availability and accessibility. In current therapy, the quadruple scheme with metronidazole and tetracycline shows great efficacy with permanent cures.


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How to Cite

Teruel Ginés, R., Leyva Montero, M. de los Ángeles, Infante Romero, F. E., Teruel Leyva, L., & Vaca Lalón, I. S. (2022). Métodos diagnósticos y estrategias terapéuticas actuales para la erradicación del Helicobacter pylori. LA CIENCIA AL SERVICIO DE LA SALUD Y NUTRICIÓN, 13(Ed.Esp.), B_23–34. https://doi.org/10.47187/cssn.Vol13.IssEd.Esp.175



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