Eating behavior and frequency of food consumption in project beneficiaries Compassion Internacional Guaranda
nutrition, ; comfort foods, emotional eater, eating behavior, emotion, equency of consumption, ;Guaranda (canton)Abstract
Introduction: Emotional eating can be caused by the inability to learn to process and manage emotions in childhood. Objective: To determine the relationship between eating behavior and the frequency of food consumption in school beneficiaries of the Compassion International Guaranda project. Methodology: A descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study with an analytical axis. 109 participated and for the collection of information two surveys were applied: the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ) survey, and the survey of frequency of consumption of fruits and fats to those responsible for food to evaluate the behavior and eating pattern of the children. little ones. For the statistical analysis, the free software JAMOVI was obtained. Continuous variables are reported as medians and interquartile ranges, and nominal variables as frequencies and percentages. For the analysis of comparison between groups the Kruskal-Wallis test was obtained and for the correlations the Spearman test was obtained. A level of p<0.05 is expected as significant. Results: 109 participants with a median age of 8 years and according to sex, 49% correspond to girls and 51% to boys. In the pro-eating dimension, there is a higher score in the desire to drink, while in the anti-eating dimension, the demand for food presents a higher score. According to the consumption of fats, there is a higher proportion of an adequate consumption and a medium intake of fruits. A negative relationship between fruit intake and the criterion responds to satiety in the anti-intake domain is evident. Conclusions: Fruit intake is inversely proportional to the response to satiety in boys and girls from 6 to 9 years of age.
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