Anticoncepción y atención post- aborto durante la pandemia por COVID-19
COVID-19, Aborto, AnticoncepciónAbstract
Introduction: Currently the world is going through a pandemic, importantly due to the spread of the virus, it was called coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), caused by SARS-COV2. Given the situation, reproductive health services, both for contraception and post-abortion care, must continue to function normally, since it is considered an essential health service. Objective: To identify the existing difficulties in reproductive health services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: a non-systematic bibliographic review of updated literature published in databases with a high level of scientific evidence and impact was carried out: Scielo, Medline/Pubmed, among others. Results: Thirty bibliographies were selected that met the criteria for inclusion. Discussion: It is clear that the possibility of pregnancy in a woman who has experienced a recent abortion exists, which is why contraception in this period is a priority for all health systems. Health professionals belonging to primary health care are responsible for promoting and executing these strategies with the aim of reducing the risk of recurrent pregnancies and / or short intergenic periods. Conclusions: During the pandemic, most of the users who required assessment by consultation for family planning and post-abortion and postpartum controls did not go to health centers due to fear of catching the disease, while the country's and international health units had limited resources. and aimed mainly at controlling the current pandemic.